The All-New Fatum Experience

Fatum does not like reinventing the wheel, but if we can make the process easier for you, we might.

For ages, the tried-and-tested way to teach a surfer about surfboards and which is best for him, in what conditions, where he should be, or if he should take a break, has been used. Rent or purchase a surfboard, and then go out and surf it. It’s simple, but is it better? We had a simple and elegant idea over coffee that could be the best thing since sliced toast.

Fatum Experience will be launched very soon. It involves you, different Fatum fins and surfboards, and a coach from Fatum.

It was hard to keep this idea a secret. We will make you a complete quiver (30+) of Fatum test boards, provide you with a Fatum coach and then take you to the best place to surf these boards that day. It’s that simple, huh? That’s not it.

This is not surf instruction.

You can have a “group surf lesson” or a “one-to-one lesson” anywhere. The Fatum Experience offers something different. We will show you how different types of surfboards perform and how fins or fin configurations can change your experience. Our coach will guide you to the perfect spot in the water to surf the boards you selected from the test quiver.

Here’s an example:

7 AM

Pick 3-4 boards at Fatum Factory that you want to try.

Choose some fins and try them with the boards

Discuss the conditions and where to surf.

Take to the road with the Fatum Wagon

7.30 AM

Surf and try out the different fins and boards

9 AM

Debriefing at Fatum Factory with coffee, beer, or coke. Talk about which fins worked best and when.

9.30 AM

Choose the Fatum board you like best and use it the rest of the time.

We want to tailor this for you and the boards that you select. This will give you a better understanding of the differences between surfboards and which one would be best for you on a practical basis. This is not surf coaching. It’s an experience of learning new boards and how to surf a wave.

We saved the best for last.

To mark the occasion, Gero has created a variety of classic/wacky and undecided-shaped surfboards that you can use along with the standard Fatum Quiver. This is a great way to allow people to try out a board they might not otherwise have access to.

The boards include:

Three Asymmetric fins

A five-fin Bonzer

A Displacement Hull with Single Fin

A Mini Simmons

A Performance Ripper

All of these surfboards are either part of the history of surfing or are surfboard designs that are currently popular but need to be understood.

The Fatum Experience offers a chance to try out these boards, which are usually not accessible. You can also get help and explanations without having to make a purchase.

Soon you can book and view dates, photos, and other details.

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